About us

MOTA HERRAMIENTAS S.L. is a company dedicated exclusively to the manufacture of professional tools.
With products that combine quality, design with excellent performance for the most demanding uses and excellent performance.
Our vocation is to provide consumers and hardware distributors with a high degree of satisfaction. With technically reliable products at very competitive prices, offering a lifetime warranty on hand tools and an excellent cost-benefit ratio in all our lines.
In our plants located in Barcelona, Spain, we keep a permanent stock to meet the demand of our distributors at national level and in the rest of the world.
Our team is totally consubstantiated with the basic guidelines of the company, and in this way, our group of professionals has developed a very efficient work taking MOTA HERRAMIENTAS S.L. to a high technical level of production and quality, of which we are proud all of us who integrate the firm.

Official sponsor of the DAKAR 2014-2018 and South American World Cup qualifiers.

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