Since 1977, we have been specialists in surface treatment: blasting and shot peening. We manufacture and market wet and dry blasting equipment (standard and custom, automatic and manual), blasting rooms, blasting booths, sand blasting, industrial degreasing, shot blasters (hook, belt, table…), shot peening rooms, free jet equipment, dust collectors or filtration systems. We have our own technical service. Abrasive grains, corundum (white and brown), glass microbeads, metallic shot, plastic shot, ceramic shot, walnut shell, zirconium… Supply of spare parts for our machines (nozzles, gloves, hoses, guns, injectors, pumps…).

Abrasivos Y Maquinaria
- 10J10
- Fabricación aditiva e impresión 3D, Máquina-Herramienta, Tratamiento de superficies y térmicos