CIAC expands its Project Platform to all of Spain

Presentación Ecomob CIAC

The CIAC Project Platform will be present throughout Spain. For months, the automotive clusters CEAGA (Galicia), FACYL (Castilla y León), CAAR (Aragón), AVIA (Comunitat Valenciana), AEI La Rioja and CIAC have been working so that each of them has its own version of the Project Platform of the Clústria de la Indústria d’Automoció de Catalunya, which has served to promote collaborative work and boost more than 550 projects.

The project is called Ecomob and aims to become a tool to promote business collaboration, both within and outside the clusters’ territories of action. “The Project Platform is a proven success year after year and now this tool is available to each of the automotive clusters, so the possibilities are almost endless. Each cluster has its own platform, but they are all connected at a higher layer for the creation of inter-territorial projects. It’s very exciting,” explains CIAC manager Josep Nadal.

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