Discover, be inspired, and expand your knowledge while you relax and network. Make the most of your visit thanks to the wide range of exhibitions, training and innovation on offer at Advanced Manufacturing Madrid.
As well as checking out the list of exhibitors, don’t forget to explore the spaces we have on offer for an inspiring experience.
Everything you can enjoy during Advanced Manufacturing Madrid 2025
Everything you can enjoy during Advanced Manufacturing Madrid
Join the largest gathering for knowledge exchange and digital transformation, with a programme of cutting-edge conferences of current relevance.
Main Auditorium
El área incluirá una Zona Demo de Tecnología en Movimiento y una Zona de Transferencia de Conocimiento con ponencias destacadas,
El Agora contará con un espacio de cafe durante todo el día y catering al finalizar las charlas de la mañana. Un espacio único para que puedas charlar con los ponentes y profesionales.
Da el salto por fin a la digitalizacion de la mano de FUNDAE.

Sala Schaeffler
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Catch up on all the trends in the industrial sector with panel discussions and presentations on automotive, AI, sustainability, robotics and automation, surface treatment at AIAS Day, metallurgy, energy efficiency, digital twins and connected industry and much more!
Tech Forum Dassault Systèmes & Asecos
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This technology space brings together the latest technologies at different stages of a manufacturing supply chain.
The area will include a Technology in Motion Demo Zone and a Knowledge Transfer Zone with keynote speeches, as well as hosting the 1st Automotive Operational Excellence Forum and the 1st Materials Forum.

Agora Composites
A space within Composites Madrid, created for you to explore the latest innovations in composite materials with leading experts and associations, attending and participating in talks and networking activities.
The Agora will feature a coffee area throughout the day and catering at the end of the morning talks. A unique space for you to chat with speakers and professionals.
SME University Hall
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Learn with the State Foundation for FUNDAE, about digitalisation of small and medium-sized companies in the metal sector. During the two days, this space will offer different talks with training content.

Innovation Tours
Discover in one-hour tours the most innovative products of MetalMadrid, Composites and Robomática Madrid, presented by the manufacturers themselves. We have 5 Innovation Tours according to the most popular topics:
- Sustainability
- Composites and composite materials
- Automation and digitalisation
- Production and finishing innovations
- Lives! Demo Machinery

Lives! Demo Machinery
This one-hour tour is designed to give visitors a first-hand experience of machine tools in operation, in 5-minute demonstrations with the companies themselves.
Advanced Manufacturing Awards Ceremony
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The most comprehensive awards in the industry
This year’s Advanced Manufacturing Madrid will be the third edition of the Advanced Manufacturing Awards. The awards ceremony will take place on the evening of 20 November 2024.
A boost to the excellence and innovation of our companies
The Advanced Manufacturing Awards were created to give recognition and prestige to the companies in the Spanish industrial fabric that innovate every day, creating products and solutions that help to improve any phase of the value chain of a company, making them more efficient, more sustainable and connected.