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plantilla imagen destacada antolin

Behind the innovations: ANTOLIN

AMM – What was the motivation to start developing this product? Enrique Fernández Salvador _ Tech. Acquisition & Customer Liaison Director in Antolin Headliners Business Unit – The company works intensively with its supply chain to become a business benchmark

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E-chain® assemblies: engineering on the move

Learn how to maximise the service life of your energy chains and cables in motion. When it comes to choosing and configuring energy chains, the possibilities are endless. However, having clear guidelines is the key to making the right decisions

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Maquinaria SMARTPM

Behind the innovations: SMARTPM

AMM – What was the motivation to start developing METAFLEX? José Castellanos, SMARTPM General Manager – In the framework of our relationship with customers and partners, we detected an uncovered niche opportunity: the need to increase the capacity of certain

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Brazo robótico Meltio

Behind the innovations: Meltio

AMM – What was the motivation to start developing Meltio’s multi-laser head? Carlos Capel, Product Manager at Meltio – Before each development, a need is always detected, so at Meltio, a joint venture between Sicnova and Additec, we saw that

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